Case studies
Services Associated with COVID-19

Client: Ministry of Health of Chile
Industry: Public Services
Service: Contact Centre
Date: 2020 to 2022
The Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL) is responsible for dictating and ensuring compliance with general and specific regulations on health issues. Carry out health surveillance and evaluate the health of the population. Formulate and execute the annual sector budget. Coordinate healthcare networks at all levels.
With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, it was a priority for MINSAL to have a Contact Centre, in order to provide attention to citizens by resolving their doubts and queries regarding the advance of COVID-19 in Chile.
Since March 2020, Policomp provided Contact Centre services for the Ministry of Health associated with COVID-19, supporting the scheduling of stays in health residences for Chileans and foreigners entering Chile, consultations on the vaccination schedule, among others.