Company Policies
Company Policies
Quality Policy
At Policomp we specialise in information technology services. Our professional capacity allows us to understand and satisfy the requirements of our clients and their users, through compliance with the applicable requirements and the commitment to meet or improve the agreed levels of service quality.
A properly trained staff and our commitment to their constant development and satisfaction, allow us to provide effective solutions to our clients.
The orientation towards continuous improvement of the quality management system forces our organisation to review and make its processes more effective, to improve the performance of the QMS.
Environmental Policy
At Policomp, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy environment, respecting the laws and international regulations. We committed to maintaining a balance between society and the environment, treating natural resources with care, promoting energy, and drinking water saving activities and avoiding air and water pollution.
This Environmental Policy is under permanent review and adjustment to ensure its updating, effectiveness and that it continues to be appropriate for the company and its objectives.
Health and Safety Policy
At Policomp, we specialise in information technology services. We carry out our work minimising the risks of accidents, incidents, and occupational diseases, in safeguarding the physical integrity and health of all our workers and also of our facilities and assets.
We are committed to:
Provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent injuries and deterioration of workers health.
Meet both legal and internal requirements.
Eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks.
Encourage consultation and participation of our workers in matters of occupational health and safety.
Continuously improve occupational health and safety.
POLICOMP encourages its workers to participate actively and permanently in all activities aimed at reducing risks; to perform their work in a safer way for them and to comply with the provisions on occupational health and safety, understanding that their requirements are not excessive and will instead contribute to increasing security, good relationships, and prosperity at work, at home and community.
Ethical Policy
At Policomp, we specialise in information technology services. We are committed to the prevention of bribery and corruption. We do not tolerate illegal acts between our clients, suppliers, workers and interested parties, in strict compliance with the legal requirements and other improvement requirements established by the company.
We promote cooperation of anyone who is aware of any breach or suspected bribery. We encourage communication through the Transparency Mailbox, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity. We prohibit any type of retaliation against those who communicate in good faith. We encourage our internal auditors to act with authority and independence.
We continually evaluate the implementation of anti-bribery and anti-corruption controls, as well as their effectiveness in relation to identified bribery risks.
Failure to comply with this anti-bribery policy is grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the current legal framework and in compliance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Internal Regulations of the company.
Labour Policy
At Policomp, we specialise in information technology services. We ensure the protection of our workers’ human rights and to treat them with dignity and respect in accordance with the standards of the international community.
We are committed to:
a) Provide the opportunity to freely choose employment. Work offered by POLICOMP is voluntary and workers are free to leave or terminate their employment at any time.
b) Not use forced labour, bonded labour (including debt bondage), labour exploitation, involuntary or exploitative work in prison, slavery, or human trafficking. This includes transporting, housing, hiring, transferring, or harbouring people by threat, force, coercion, kidnapping, or fraud to obtain work or services. There will be no unacceptable restrictions on the freedom of movement of our workers, or entry or exit, to company facilities.
c) Not keep, destroy, hide, confiscate, or deny in any way our workers’ access to their identity or immigration documents.
d) Not allow our workers to pay any commission for their hiring.
e) Not allow the hiring of minors.
f) Allow the hiring of students in practice, under the agreements of international legislation.
g) Comply with the duration of the workday in strict compliance with international legislation. Working hours do not exceed the maximum established by law.
h) Fairly remunerate our workers, in accordance with the provisions of all applicable wage laws, including those related to temporary work, minimum wage, overtime and benefits established by law.
i) Prohibit harsh and inhumane treatment, including sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, physical or psychological coercion, or verbal attacks on its workers; nor does it allow the threat of any of these treatments.
j) Provide a workplace free from unlawful harassment and discrimination.
k) Non-discrimination on race, colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or nationality, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union affiliation, military veteran status, protected genetic information or marital status in hiring and employment practices, for example: in relation to salaries, promotions, bonuses, and access to training.
l) Respect the freedom of worship of our workers.
m) Not subjecting our employees or candidates to medical tests or physical examinations that may be used in a discriminatory manner.
n) Respect the right of all our workers to create and join unions of their choice and to participate in collective negotiation and peaceful meetings and respect the right of our workers to refrain from participating in such activities.
- o) Share with Management the ideas and concerns of our workers related to working conditions and management practices, without fear of discrimination, retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.
Information Security Policy
At POLICOMP we specialise in information technology services and have decided to implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS), for which we are committed to complying with the legal requirements and those applicable to the ISO 27001:2022 standard. to achieve continuous improvement of the information security management system.
The above is based on POLICOMP’s compliance with the following commitments of the Information Security Management System and its respective objectives:
Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Information Security Management System (ISMS).
Implement at least one improvement to the information security management system every six months.
Implement action plans for information security incidents and non-conformities that resolve the identified problems at their roots.
Comply with the legal requirements and those applicable to information security, as established in the ISO 27001:2022 standard.
Maintain the Information Security Management System implemented by the ISO 27001:2022 standard.
Maintain 100% compliance with the Legal Requirements Matrix.
Maintain zero fines or sanctions for legal and contractual non-compliance regarding Information Security.
The information must be protected adequately, in accordance with the definition of its sensitivity and value, safeguarding its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Implement action plans to deal with information security incidents and non-conformities related to confidentiality issues.
Implement action plans to deal with information security incidents and non-conformities related to integrity issues.
Implement action plans to deal with information security incidents and non-conformities related to availability impacts.
The Organization recognizes that adequate awareness, training, and training of its personnel in Information Security matters are priority tasks.
Disseminate the Information Security System through the execution of an annual dissemination plan.
Train in Information Security through the execution of an annual training plan.