Company Policies

Public Sector

Policomp has been helping governments and local agencies develop their IT & Cybersecurity strategies for many years.

We understand the main challenges and needs enabling local authorities to leverage digital and data for the benefit of their residents, businesses and communities.

Datos confidenciales

We Protect and encrypt confidential information

We protect the information contained in mobile devices handled by employees from the central government, local governments and public corporations, agencies, and non-departmental public bodies.

24/7 support

We know how important technology is for the correct delivery of public services, whether in citizen portals, information pages, and service systems for public officials. At Policomp we ensure operational continuity providing world-class 24/7 on-site or remote IT support.

Soporte 24/7
Soporte 24/7

24/7 support

We know how important technology is for the correct delivery of public services, whether in citizen portals, information pages, and service systems for public officials. At Policomp we ensure operational continuity providing world-class 24/7 on-site or remote IT support.

Servicios de atención ciudadana omnicanal

Omnichannel citizen attention services

We understand the different communication needs that citizens require, which is why at Policomp we provide high-quality care to taxpayers, hospital patients and local members. We are proud to be selected as the main provider offering service platforms for the Ministry of Health, Internal Tax & Revenue Department, public hospitals, and the Santiago Underground in Chile. We provide different communication channels such as SMS, Whatsapp, X (ex-Twitter) and telephone calls, including Chatbots and Voicebots. This greatly facilitates the interaction between citizens and the Government.

Data analytics strategy

Entender las necesidades de los ciudadanos se logra de manera rápida y focalizada con los modelos de análisis que ofrecemos en Policomp. Éstos operan con información propia de los servicios públicos y extraída de fuentes externas. Con esto Policomp puede generar una reportería de primer nivel, que facilite el apoyo a la comunidad.

Data y Analítica servicios públicos
Data y Analítica servicios públicos

Data analytics strategy

Understanding the needs of the citizens is easier achieved with AI-Powered algorithms and the correct use of historical data. Policomp offers a robust service for public sector understanding and being GDPR complaints in every part of the process. Our UK based team generates top-level and tailored reporting that facilitates decision making providing direct benefit for local communities.

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